Let’s learn about Python Dataframes
Let’s learn about Python Dataframes

A DataFrame is a 2D, tabular data structure from the pandas library, a cornerstone of data manipulation and analysis in Python. Resembling spreadsheets or SQL tables, DataFrames provide a structured and intuitive approach to organizing and analyzing data. Each column in a Python DataFrame represents a variable, while each row corresponds to a specific observation.
Creating a Python DataFrame
import pandas as pd
# Creating a DataFrame from a dictionary
data = {'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'],
'Age': [25, 30, 22],
'City': ['New York', 'San Francisco', 'Los Angeles']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
Name Age City
0 Alice 25 New York
1 Bob 30 San Francisco
2 Charlie 22 Los Angeles
Basic Operations with DataFrames:
Manipulating and analyzing data becomes seamless with DataFrames. Fundamental operations include selecting and filtering data, handling missing values, and grouping and aggregating data.
Basic DataFrame Operations
Example 1:
# Selecting a specific column
ages = df['Age']
0 25
1 30
2 22
Name: Age, dtype: int64
Example 2:
# Filtering data based on a condition
young_people = df[df['Age'] < 30]
Name Age City
0 Alice 25 New York
2 Charlie 22 Los Angeles
Example 3:
# Handling missing values
df.fillna(0, inplace=True)
This code fills any missing values in the DataFrame with 0. Since the provided DataFrame does not have any missing values, there won’t be a noticeable change in the output. The inplace=True
parameter modifies the original DataFrame.
Related: Python Lists Guide
Example 4:
# Grouping and aggregating data
average_age_by_city = df.groupby('City')['Age'].mean()
Los Angeles 22.0
New York 25.0
San Francisco 30.0
Name: Age, dtype: float64
Indexing and Slicing:
Efficiently extracting subsets of data is crucial. DataFrames support both label-based and position-based indexing and slicing.
# Selecting a row by label
alice_info = df.loc[0]
print("Row by Label - Alice's Information:")
# Slicing rows and columns
subset = df.loc[1:2, ['Name', 'City']]
print("Subset of DataFrame - Rows 1 to 2, Columns 'Name' and 'City':")
Row by Label - Alice's Information:
Name Alice
Age 25
City New York
Name: 0, dtype: object
Subset of DataFrame - Rows 1 to 2, Columns 'Name' and 'City':
Name City
1 Bob San Francisco
2 Charlie Los Angeles
Merging and Concatenating DataFrames:
In real-world scenarios, data is often scattered across multiple sources. DataFrames allow seamless merging or concatenation of datasets.
Merging DataFrames
# Creating another DataFrame
data2 = {'Name': ['David', 'Eve'],
'Age': [28, 35],
'City': ['Chicago', 'Seattle']}
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data2)
# Merging DataFrames based on a common column
merged_df = pd.merge(df, df2, on='City')
print("Original DataFrame:")
print("DataFrame to be merged:")
print("Merged DataFrame:")
Original DataFrame:
Name Age City
0 Alice 25 New York
1 Bob 30 San Francisco
2 Charlie 22 Los Angeles
DataFrame to be merged:
Name Age City
0 David 28 Chicago
1 Eve 35 Seattle
Merged DataFrame:
Name_x Age_x City Name_y Age_y
0 Alice 25 New York NaN NaN
1 Bob 30 San Francisco NaN NaN
2 Charlie 22 Los Angeles NaN NaN
3 NaN NaN Chicago David 28.0
4 NaN NaN Seattle Eve 35.0
Advanced Topics:
Delving into advanced topics, we explore reshaping and pivoting data, handling time series data, and using custom functions with DataFrames.
Reshaping Data
# Reshaping data using the melt function
melted_df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['Name'], value_vars=['Age', 'City'])
print("Original DataFrame:")
print("Melted DataFrame:")
Original DataFrame:
Name Age City
0 Alice 25 New York
1 Bob 30 San Francisco
2 Charlie 22 Los Angeles
Melted DataFrame:
Name variable value
0 Alice Age 25
1 Bob Age 30
2 Charlie Age 22
3 Alice City New York
4 Bob City San Francisco
5 Charlie City Los Angeles
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As we conclude our exploration of Python DataFrames, their indispensable role in data manipulation and analysis becomes evident. The flexibility, efficiency, and extensive functionality of DataFrames make them a cornerstone of data workflows. Mastering the art of working with DataFrames unlocks Python’s full potential for deriving insights and making informed decisions in the world of data science.
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